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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Viziting Tuzigoot with baby Zach

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/19/2024
Occurred: 3/19/2001
Page Views: 1011
Topics: #Tuzigoot
Just because he's a baby doesn't mean he hasn't refined interest in ancient archetecture.

When my eldest daughter, Dorothy, came out to visit and see Jenny's new baby, we decided to include some sightseeing and went to visit Tuzigoot. We figured little Zach would be good if bored; but, in fact, he really seemed to get into the experience.

My eldest daughter, Dottie, came for a visit and we decided to tour Tuzigoot, a Native American ruin that is now a National Monument.

Since this is a national monument, and I have a Golden Passport,

The ruins themselves are in pretty good shape. Of course, there's been a lot of preservation effort put forth.

Baby Zach, of all people, seemed really fascinated by the architecture.

He also loved being held by his Aunt Dottie.

Tuzigoot is Apache for "crooked water", from nearby Pecks Lake, a cutoff meander of the Verde River.

When Mary entered one of the pueblo rooms (there are 110 of them), her first comment was, "Hmm…where would I put the TV set?"

Clockwise: Baby Zach, Dottie, Me

Michael feels the energy.


Poor Dottie wasn't used to so much sun.

At home, Uncle John ("Jujubee") put a very tired Zach in his playpen to rest. Or maybe it was the adults who were exhausted!