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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

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For the past several years, I have been keeping count of each time a page on this web site is viewed. That makes it possible to know which pages are the most popular.

That means there's a sort of built-in weighting that would tend to favor older posts. I'll address that sometime in the future.

Below are links to my ten most popular postings, starting with my all-time most-read posts.

My Music Library

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 3/1/2019
Page Views: 66219
Topics: #Music #PersonalMusicCollectionsw
All the albums and tracks from my not inconsiderable music collection.

I have a really large record collection, and I'd like to share it with you. I can't share the actual music, of course—that would be wrong!—but here is the list of my current holdings, all digital or digitized.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Protocol

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 2/27/2014
Page Views: 29409
Topics: #HydrogenPeroxide #CancerCure
The specific protocol for the oral hydrogen peroxide therapy that cures bacterial, fungal, and even some parasitic infections, as well as cancers..

I've been chronicling my successes with hydrogen peroxide, and am so often asked for the specific protocol—which I described in bits and pieces—that I decided I would detail it here, for those interested enough in creating improved health for themselves.

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About Me

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 21679
My personal life…don't read about it if you don't want to know about it!

I've been married to a woman and to men (at different times); been a father to four and a grandfather to five (so far). I've been a radio DJ, a sailor, a truck driver, an instructor, a ditch-digger (for one day—that was enough), a computer programmer and a writer. Oh, and an actor and a lifeguard—and an aficionado of camping and whitewater rafting. I've visited almost twenty countries (again, so far), and been in an alien spacecraft. I've gone from being a Catholic to exploring various religions until finding that "spiritual, not religious" works best for me.

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Truck Drivin' Journal

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 17457
Topics: #18-Wheeler #TruckDriving #BigRigs #Schneider #TruckDriver
Alternate Roads

When I was employed as a corporate trainer, I flew to strange cities—sometimes in foreign countries—,usually rented a car and had to find my hotel and the location of the training facility, usually in the dark, tired from my flight, and without benefit of a GPS system (not yet available to drivers). This was actually pretty stressful. And, as I was driving to the hotel, I would sometimes pass big rigs and look up at the drivers and think, "Now, there's a stress-free job!"

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By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 14535
Topics: #Music
All about the music I make, listen to, and love.

Music is my life, or at least its backdrop—and sometimes its foreground as well… I enjoy composing, performing and recording music. I also enjoy playing it, attending concerts where it's played, and collecting odd and interesting pieces of music. …and this is the the section where you may explore it with me.

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Dorothy Ann Hood Zembruski 1938-2007

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 9/21/2007

Milestone: #Death
Page Views: 12739
Topics: #Obituary #DorothyAnnZembruski
A celebration of the life of one of Michael's sisters.

One of my two sisters-in-law, Dorothy Ann Zembruski, died unexpectedly September 19. She was 68 years old, and should have had many more years ahead of her.

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Dorothy Elizabeth's Wedding

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 5/10/2008

Milestone: #Marriage
Page Views: 12700
Topics: #DorothyElizabethCilwaKinder #Weddings #FrankIinder
Dorothy Elizabeth finally gets married!

Today, May 10, my firstborn Dorothy Elizabeth Cilwa became married to Frank Lee Kinder, in a ceremony performed at Sedona's Red Rock Crossing. My granddaughter Cailey and grandson Zachary were ring-bearers. The ceremony was attended by immediate family members, and was followed by a short swim and then dinner at the Red Planet Diner.

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Karen Graduates

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 5/9/2008
Page Views: 12022
Topics: #KarenHopeCilwa
Karen is rewarded for her hard work.

It's May, so we have another graduation! This time it's my daughter, Karen, who got her bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Arizona State University this morning. Despite the fact that sitting in a sports stadium for three hours listening to unpronounceable names being, against all odds, pronounced as a thousand purple-robed graduates gavotte from chair to educator to educator and back to chair was considered too severe a torture for even Condoleezza Rice to order for Guantanamo Bay prisoners, it was a wonderful experience to be there for my little girl as she takes that magical step from childhood to employability.

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Alien Abductions

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 11780
Topics: #UFOs #AlienAbductions #Nibiru #Enki
The story of one man's life-long contacts with non-humans.

Several years ago I developed an intense interest in UFOs, which you could say started when a friend and I witnessed one. Or, you could say it started earlier than that, when I researched so-called UFO abductions for a novel I was writing. Or, you could say it started even earlier than that…

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Oh, My Leg!

By: Paul S. Cilwa Posted: 5/4/2011
Page Views: 11245
Topics: #NecrotizingFaciitis #Flesh-EatingBacteria #Health
My near-death experience with flesh-eating bacteria.

My last blog entry was dated January 7th, and I apologize for that. I didn't die. But, it seems, I came pretty close. Here's what happened.

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