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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 4/29/2024
Page Views: 508
Topics: #Dogs #FamilyDogs #Finley
My daughter gets a puppy.

When I came to live with my daughter, Jenny, and her kids, I came with my two dogs, Ella and Lilly. Plus, Jenny had (at that time) four cats. So I was surprised when she came home with a new puppy named Finley. However, except for not being born housebroken, Finley is a sweet little baby who loves everyone.

Finley's Birthday

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/16/2024
Page Views: 297
Topics: #Autobiography
Our little Frenchie celebrates his first year.

It seems like just a year ago we brought a wriggly burst of sunshine home. Well, it was! So, her got a birthday party. And we'll get to that in a moment, but first, let's take a quick look at Finley's first year.

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Meet Finley

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 2/15/2023
Posted: 5/7/2023
Page Views: 465
Topics: #Dogs #Family #Finley
And Baby makes three.

Now that we've had a few months with little Finley, it's time to show off his little French Bulldog self to the world.

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Finley Makes Friends

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 6/18/2023
Posted: 7/19/2023
Page Views: 473
Topics: #Dominic
Our newest addition, Finley the French bulldog puppy, is getting to know his family.

Finley is the fastest moving puppy I've ever seen. Here are the past month or so's collection of photos, showing how Finley is warming up to the other dogs, especially Lilly, who is still young enough to be willing to play with him. (To a point.) Ella, being older, is like the maiden aunt who prefers to look at the youngsters from the safety of her rocking chair.

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Finley of the Mountain

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 10/16/2023
Posted: 10/30/2023
Page Views: 505
Topics: #Finley
Finley doesn't like to swim, but he definitely likes to climb.

So my dog, Ella, loves to swim. My other dog, Lilly, is a strong swimmer but she doesn't really like it that much. Finley, on the other hand, hates being in the water, and of course isn't really built for swimming anyway. But he does love running around and around the pool while Ella is swimming in it, and climbing on the fountain rocks.

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Alas Poor Finley

By: Paul S. Cilwa Occurred: 11/25/2023
Posted: 12/23/2023
Page Views: 355
Topics: #Finley
Sadly, we have to fix what isn't broken.

I love Finley, nicknamed Lord Finley the Flatulant. But he's also nicknamed Puddles because we haven't been able to convince him not to mark his territory…inside the house. So, a couple days ago, I was elected to take him to be fixed.

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