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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Ella and Lilly at Home

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/18/2024
Occurred: 5/1/2021
Page Views: 666
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui #Ella #Lilly
It's a dog's life.

One of the things that gives me great joy, is watching how happy our dogs are here on Maui. Not that they were miserable in Arizona. But they run up and down the slopes, explore, swim in the ocean and in waterfalls, bark at cows, and laze. "Home" has expanded from an apartment with occasional walks, to 28 acres and a shed.

Ella, our Golden. sometimes jumps on the bed but generally doesn't stay long. With her heavy coat, I think she finds it too warm.

Lilly, onthe other hand, practically lives in the bed. Although she runs around the property plenty, I think she's more of a homebody.

But when they do get out, and especially when they know they're about to go for a ride, they'll burn off some of that excess energy in a play fight.

They look so firece! But note their tales are up. In a real fight, dogs keep their tales down.

Afterwards, if she can find one, Ella will chew on a discarded coconut (after the coconut milk has been drained).