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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 5/18/2024
Occurred: 11/3/2020
Page Views: 736
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
The people send a message to Emperor Palpatine…by mail.

Today was Election Day and I, to my everlasting sorrow, was unable to vote.

Now, even though it was Election Day, the fact is virtually all Hawaiians had already voted. That's because, weeks ago, our governor declared Vote-By-Mail to be the official means of voting on the Islands. He was protecting his constituency from the Coronavirus—something the actual "president" should have done, but was another of his perfect string of failures.

However, I wasn't allowed to vote because, legally, I am homeless since I have no address. Technically, our shed is not a house, since it doesn't include a permanent (and legally-sanctioned) toilet. We are, in effect, camping even though it's at a stable location in a semi-permanent structure. And, in Hawaii, one must have an address to vote.

Luckily, I am certain that millions and millions of other Americans, Americans with addresses, and with consciences, have voted, in numbers more than adequate to flush the orange turd from the People's House.

Since Trump is such an infantile and unintelligent sociopath, his actions are textbook-simple to predict. First, he'll deny losing, in fact bragging that he's actually won even when he hasn't. And he'll he encouraged by the early returns, which will be in his favor.

That's because he's spent the past year trying to convince people that the mail couldn't be trusted, even going so far as to install a stooge as head of the Post Office to literally destroy sorting equipment!

Consequently his followers waited until Election Day to drive to the polls and vote. By this time, many of his followers who originally believed his lie that Coronvirus was, somehow, a Democratic hoax, have since had family members (or themselves) infected by COVID-19 and now rightfully fear going to a public venue where they might catch it. The reason for voting by mail in the first place!

However, those of us who realize Trump lies about everything (even things that are unimportant), those of us wishing to overthrow the tyrant by legal means, were certain to vote by mail…especially after watching Republican governors shut down polling places. (It's been said there aren't really any "red" states, just states with successful voter suppression of blue voters).

And so, by the end of tonight, I expect the numbers to favor Trump. But the Blue Wave is coming in the form of mailed-in ballots; and they will take days to tally, especially in states where Republicans suceeded in changing the rules to prevent early-tallying of the mailed-in ballots.

So, Trump will first claim he won, before the ballots have all been counted. Then he'll claim massive voter fraud, even though there's no evidence whatsoever that there was any fraud at all. He'll demand a recount in every state in which he lost. He'll launch baseless lawsuits willy-nilly.

But he'll lose anyway. Of this I'm certain, if only because this man has literally failed at send a everything he set out to do. I mean, who can send a casino into bankruptcy, for gods' sakes?

I know I'd have slept better had I been able to vote. But I shall sleep well nonetheless.