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A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Keith Arrives in Maui!

By: Paul S. Cilwa Viewed: 6/2/2024
Occurred: 3/24/2020
Page Views: 716
Topics: #Coronavirus #Maui
My husband meets me at our new home.

I was cautiously optimistic. The news told us that the islands would be shut down to tourism on Thursday, tomorrow. If nothing else unexpected came up, or went down, or sidewayds—Keith should be able to complete his journey unscathed.

But I'm an overthinker with undiagnosed OCD and ADD. And so many things could go wrong.

  1. He could be turned away at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport. "I'm sorry sir, but that flight has been cancelled. In fact, they all have.
  2. He could make it to Honolulu without incident, but be put into quarrantine along with the remaining passengers because someone coughed or developed a fever.
  3. He could make it to Maui from Honolulu but be quarantined for the same reason.

Or, he could arrive without incident.

It was almost a surprise when the morning of Keith's flight dawned bright and fair.

I can only imagine how dreary it was in the container, with almost constant rain and no natural light.

This morning I found that Gerry, the welder, had completed the real picture window. And, what a view!

The three horses were visiting again. I notice that they seem to migrate with the cows, though they keep a discreet distance.

Lilly keeps trying to play with the cows.

"Look what I found, Dad!"

Calls made, I returned to the shed to see the rain was also moving in…again. You could actually see the clouds pour over one of Haleakala's lower slopes.

Luckily this was one of the shorter squalls. When Keith arrived with Zach, this was his first view of the property, from the gate on Hana Highway.

About a hundred feet of the access road is paved. The rest of it is graded lava.

So it happened! Keith, and the dogs managed to make it safely to Maui and our shed. Was he exposed on the trip? We hope not. But he's here now, and for now, that's the best we can hope for.